September 13-15, 2024

Theater by and for people who are neurodivergeant, blind, low-vision, Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing

R25 Arts Complex

1725 25th Street, Sacramento

Free admission

Presented by Short Center Repertory in collaboration with InnerVision Theater and Theater V58

The All In logo

Unless otherwise indicated, all performances are presented with American Sign Language interpretation and audio description. Ultimate Impact is performed in ASL with English translation and audio description.


2:30-5:30 PM: The Forum on Accessible Theater @ Wilkerson Theater

7 PM: Opening reception @ Sacramento Poetry Center

8 PM:

Eye of the Storm | InnerVision Theater @ Wilkerson Theater

Scenes from Ultimate Impact | Theater V58 @ Three Penny Theater


9 AM-1 PM: Boal technique workshop with Geo Britto @ California Stage (invitation only)

1, 3 & 7 PM: Short Center Rep Film Festival @ Three Penny Theater Cancelled

2-7:30 PM: Recent works by artists from the Short Centers (2nd Saturday show) @ Sacramento Poetry Center — UPDATED HOURS

2 PM: Clowns to the Rescue | Short Center Rep @ Wilkerson Theater

4:30 PM:

Eye of the Storm | InnerVision Theater @ Wilkerson Theater

Scenes from Ultimate Impact | Theater V58 @ Three Penny Theater

6-7:30 PM: 2nd Saturday reception @ Sacramento Poetry Center

8 PM: Clowns to the Rescue | Short Center Rep @ Wilkerson Theater


9 AM-12:30 PM: Boal technique workshop with Geo Britto @ California Stage (invitation only)

1 & 3 PM: Short Center Rep Film Festival @ Three Penny Theater Cancelled

2 PM: Eye of the Storm | InnerVision Theater @ Wilkerson Theater

4:30 PM:

Scenes from Ultimate Impact | Theater V58 @ Three Penny Theater

Clowns to the Rescue | Short Center Rep @ Wilkerson Theater (presented with audio description only)

Wilkerson Theater, California Stage, Three Penny Theater and Sacramento Poetry Center are all located at the R25 Arts Complex, 1725 25th Street

We’re looking for volunteers! Contact Jim Brown at for more information

Actor with glasses tells story in ASL
Four actors with canes and chairs
Four actors facing to their right and pointing
A dark-haired woman wearing silly glasses stands at a lectern
One clown looks over another clown's shoulder